Saturday, September 3, 2011

Exciting Trust Games

Play is always voluntary. You can not force anyone to do, even subtly, that others also have. Each person must see their role in the game and possibly the development of this stimulus to it.

For the game takes place in good condition, the group must be silent. Noise, laughter can be a significant interference in the process of confidence.

Experience has shown that three common mistakes in the use of these games:

1. The deviation of the game to competitiveness or to the joke.

2. A model to be adjusted. The game is a unique experience for the individual and the group, and as such is not done right or wrong, but has its own dynamics and value according to participants.

3. Not taking into account people who do the game. The group is to promote confidence-building conditions respecting the person playing.

Unlike others, evaluation is essential in these games, because:

- The situations experienced during the game may affect the group in one way or another, depending on the experience this.

- The game, or some circumstance of it in particular, may also have an impact staff (eg producing feelings of frustration at being unable to make the game well ...)

The evaluation is the task of explaining the tensions or new experiences encountered in the game and of making conscious influence on the group.